хей! :) всех с наступающим!!! :) Punker Clous приготовил подарок в виде второй части сборника wink.gif
после первой подборки, получил много положительных отзывов, что и мотивировало составить вторую часть smile.gif
представляю вашему вниманию опять же группы, которые не очень то известны...но довольно крутые и приятные thumb.gif
Fuck EeaAHh!!! [Dimas Punker 182 compilation #2]
Список групп и треклист соотвественно:
01 - Destined 4 Disaster - Slip
02 - Any Last Words - Trust Me
03 - Faded Hero - You Missed It
04 - Who Fed Bob - We Get Together Siegfried And Roy
05 - DONT SMACK SALLY - Online
06 - Nil All Draw - Day
07 - Don-'t Fall Twice - Too Soon
08 - Claiming My Love
09 - Short Term Gain - Now I Know
10 - Saving Rushmore - Someday
11 - Bladder Control - Miss Congeniality
12 - Fed Up 74 - Once Upon A Time
13 - Channel 3-Unlucky For Some-Unlucky For Some
14 - For Amusement Only - 22
16 - Centsless - Ashtrays and Apathy
17 - Long Shot Hero - Eat Your Face
18 - Escariot - Bullets and Blondes
19 - Fallout Theory - Same As Before
20 - Centsless - Drive Home
21 - The Dresden - Sanderlings
22 - Footlong - The Way Things Are Going To Be
23 - Jakes Jerky - One 4 Craig
24 - Phils Idea - Apologies
25 - Eternal Simulation - Time For a Change
26 - Equipaje - Lost Promise
27 - Evil Cavies - Empty Bottle
28 - Ransom - Micro machines
29 - Star Ten Hash - Bah Bee Cue
30 - Star Phonley - Yours Sincerley [acoustic]
http://ifolder.ru/9822985 part1
http://ifolder.ru/9822997 part2
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?05my2mewn2z part1
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mjnmj1m3zzm part2
http://rapidshare.com/files/178283002/Fuck_EeaAHh___... part1
http://rapidshare.com/files/178285390/Fuck_EeaAHh___... part2
приятного прослушивания ;)
p.s с заливом помог очень хороший человек - Леша Otsego88, за что ему дико благодарен rolleyes.gif
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Fuck EeaAHh!!! [Dimas Punker 182 compilation #2]
Thursday, December 25, 2008

All bands need one thing… a place to play! HN-88 has a one of a kind practice pad. They play in a 85 year old, run down, abandoned house, in the middle of the desert. The house gives them complete freedom; they play as late as they want as loud as they want!
HN-88’s sound is derived from a collaborative interest in the rock and puck genres. Some of their major influences include Blink 182, Yellowcard, The Offspring, Rise Against, and many many more. As much as these groups influence the songs and creativity of the band, the chemistry that Kyle, Nate, and Tim share stems from much more than their love of music. Music is what they want to do, but it’s only that way because they're doing it as band members and as close friends with the same ambition and lifetime goal.
HN-88 has set many stages for their music career; by seeking the best equipment on the market, playing venues in the local community, and currently recording their EP. HN-88 will have new songs up soon! The band seeks to play on many stages that they find as landmarks of there lives, the most inspiring has to be the Vans Warped Tour. HN-88 is looking to bring music to their local community as well as any one who wants to listen.
“We are fighting to be inspirational musicians to others, and to inspire our listeners the same way our favorite musicians and their music have influenced us.”
-Nate King
Из нынешних поп-панк групп, мало кто играет именно такой поп-панк...за что их собственно и люблю :) Вообщем ценим, друзья ;)

[HN-88] - Revolution In Progress - 2008
1. Same Old Shit 2:53
2. Love! What or Need? 5:07
3. Here I Stand 3:40
4. Stars Are on Our Side 3:39
5. Life as it Is 2:30
6. Creating a Hero 3:38
7. At the Door 4:23
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Down And Outs [melodic punk rock / fast, US, Rhode Island]

Молодая группа из штатов, переносит нас во времени назад, в 90ые года. Тогда, как говорится, и солнце ярче светило и деревья выше были. У парней отличное чувство юмора, смею заметить. Цитирую из их майспейса:
We're a punk band in Rhode Island. We've been playing since 2005. We don't play breakdowns and we don't wear girls jeans. But we do play super fast. Greatest Hits EP out now.Ниже представлены все доступные на данный момент треки:
- Villian
- Sick Of It All
- March 11th
- Sitting Down Drinking Beer (Live)
- Obligations
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I'm So Maniac [Melodic Pop-Punk/Punk/Hc; Russia, Rostov-on-Don]

Young and promising band from Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Guys mixing melodic pop-punk, hardcore and nu-metal in a very smooth and pleasent way. For fans of A Day to Remember, Four Year Strong etc. Enjoy their debut EP.
I'm So Maniac - Fast Food EP [2008]
- Zabud' vse chto znal
- Moi Noviy Den'
- Ya vs. Ya
- Tisyacha Mneniy
- S.A.M.
- Kosti
- Priezhai v Rostov
- Punk Rock Show

Released on: www.myspace.com/fullthrottlerec

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
From The Tracks (Sweden, fast melodic punk / skate punk)

Шведская группа Ends Like This распалась, образовалось четыре музыкальных проекта. Это один из них From The Track. Уникальность его заключается в том что Micke Jörstad,

бывший барабанщик и вокалист ELT в одиночку сыграл и спел все партии!
На майспейсе выложил 12 треков, но без названий и по два трека в одном треке :)
Demos [2008]
Треклист очень простой:
Monday, December 8, 2008
Scream! Hello [beard punk / pop punk, USA]

Scream Hello have been cut from the same New Jersey cloth as bands like The Bouncing Souls, Lifetime and Thursday, and carry on the states tradition of upbeat indie music with ten tracks of poppy, catchy and melodic rock n roll, filled with choruses and addictive guitar hooks, with the band touring alongside Outsmarting Simon, The Break and Marathon.
На фотографии бороды видны? Ну это не с проста как бы и наводит на размышелния. Хорошое музло, атмосферное, душевное и панк роковое одновременно.

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Scream! Hello - 2008 - Smart And Stupid
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ссылки на этот альбом подрезал на фанки.
а вообще с трэклистом заморачиваться лень.
Project 27 [Good QUALITY!!!]

1- All Bad Things
2- Time to Fold
3- Gotta Get Up
4- Bloody Nose
5- Five Days
6- Dying
7- My Future
8- Next September
9- Passing Phase
10- Not What I'm Hopin'
11- Our History
12- Alfonzo's Morning
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King's Tonic

Without timeouts the band has been untiringly on tour for a good five years and has ploughed every small place as well as the big festivals.
Uncompromising punk rock numbers combined with soulful ballads and a dynamic stage show lead King's Tonic on and on to the top of international punk rock bands and this way the boys are about to rock every audience simply about the heap.
Толковый панк рок из Германии. Недавно услышал их, очень даже недурственно, скажу я вам. Не то что бы мозг выносило, но есть очень цепляющие, хитовые вещи, которых так не хватает во многих релизах последних лет. В плане звучания могу сравнить их с земляками Donots.

02.Rise Before You Fall
04.Bad Trip
05.Fuck Your Neighbour
06.Eddie Would Go
08.Ease the Pain
11.Ready to Run
12.FYN Drum-In-Face-Mix (Bonus Track)
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Saturday Supercade part2

1. Long Gone
2. Anything Is Fine
3. Tommy
4. Blanket Of Stars
5. Penny Is An Anorexic
6. Closing Yesterdays
7. My Opinion
8. Excuses
9. Sometimes I'm Unimpressed
10. Prone To Assholes
11. Stairway To Clifton
12. Nostalgia Isn't What I...
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Saturday Supercade

Saturday Supercade - Everyone Is a Target

2.Leave it like This
3.Fifteen Hills
4.Empty Rooms
5.New Home
7.Reset, Refined
8.What I Wanted
9.My Curse Is You
10.You Make Me an Insomniac
11.A Good Friend
12.Death To False Lovesongs
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Kerb [melodic punk, Australia]

They played at the launch of the WA surf vid 'Inside Out' at the Lookout in April 99 and a few days later played at Yac It Up 99. Unfortunately towards the end of 99 the guys had internal disputes about the band and Kerb broke up with a few of them forming a band called Lewis. However by 2002 they reformed and are playing regular shows in Perth.

Kerb - 1998 - Nobody Here But Us Walruses
2.I Could Marry Her
7.La La Land
8.Some Old Lady
9.Will To Live
10.Down South
11.Say A Prayer
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The Promdates [ramonescore, pop punk, Norway]

The Promdates play happy feel good songs and sing about girls, beer, partying, movies and boredom. They've not rediscovered the wheel or anything, but they play good, catchy pop-punk with tons of vocal harmonies.
If you're into pop-punk you should really give them a chance. Maybe you'll like 'em, maybe you don't.
Oh, and they're from Norway.
Очень хороший релиз для любителей трехаккордного панк рока и жужжащих гитар. The Promdates родом из Норвегии, что, впрочем, не помешало им играть радующий ухо (и прочие части тела) рамоунзкор в духе The Queers, Riverdales, Ramones, Mr. T Experience, Screeching Weasel, the Methadones и тд...

1 It's No Fun
2 Love To Watch You Dance
3 Why Do You Wanna Be With Me?
4 Beer In The Sodamachine
5 I Think We're Alone Now
6 To The Beach
7 Still Not Over You
8 I Won't Care
9 Two Timing Girl
10 I Feel Alright
11 Cecilia
12 Call The Ghostbusters
13 Elm Street Rock Café
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Jackson [pop punk, rock, USA]

Посмотрите на состав команды, какие люди собраны! Все ребята из топовых команд, ну и музыку играют хорошую, соответсвующую своему статусу, так сказать. Если конкретней, то это среднетемповый поп-панк с уклоном в рок. Ничего необычно, но весьма приятно и ненапрягающе. На сколько я знаю, со временем они поменяли название и ныне называются Jackson United.

1 All The Way
2 Blinders
3 Here Comes Hollow
4 Fell Into
5 Far From Here
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The Cootees [pop punk, USA, MxPx members]

Я всегда поражался творческой плодовитости ребят из MxPx. За период существования своей группы они записали столько материала, что хватило бы на 3-4 команды. Но им этого мало, поэтому и участвуют в разнообразных сайд проектах. The Cootees - первый из них. Собственно говоря, если вам нравятся эмэкспиэкс, то и The Cootees тоже прийдутся по душе. Всё тот же поп панк, песни о любви и вокал Майка Хэррэры.

1. (Blank)
2. Shut Up
3. Mike's Waiting
4. Roses Are Red
5. School Girl Fantasy
6. D.D.F.
7. No Cure 4 the Cootees
8. What You Hate
9. Dirty Punk
10. Lisa's Clean
11. Coke Song
12. I'm OK, You're OK
13. Jocks Don't Like Us
14. I Want the World
15. Deadbeat
16. Beach Party
17. Now the Beach Sucks
18. They Don't Know
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Friday, October 17, 2008
VA - Punktastic Un-Scene 4- 30 Seconds to Impact (2008)

Рекомендую не пропустить!
01. Pickled Dick - Boredom Central
02. Over and Out - Enough Is Enough
03. Laughing In The Face Of - Sex Punch
04. Templeton Pek - 30 Seconds Too Far
05. Sonic Boom Six - An Ode to D.I.Y Promoters
06. Caffeine - Radio
07. Day of Rising - Petrelli
08. Hogwash - Aftershow At Lil Jon's
09. The Bad Robots - Life Won't Wait
10. You Me And The Atom Bomb - This Was Not A Boating Accident
11. The JB Conspiracy - Road Trip
12. Short Warning - Let It Go
13. Chillerton - Ticket For One
14. On The Turn (Formerly 3dBs DOWN) - The Genius of Linda Smith
15. The Don Ramos Players - Four Engines For Safety
16. Little Flags - Young Guns
17. For Old Times Sake - Statements
18. Pendleton - A Commitment And A Vow
19. Our Time Down Here - Clear To Go!
20. Movement Library - Fast, Faster, Fastest
21. Buzzkill (UK) - Batten Down The Hatches
22. Oxygen Thief - Pros and Cons
23. Life Coach - One Line
24. Lost On Landing - That's What She Said
25. The Misnomer - the mis no mer
26. Down I Go - Flight of the Rofflecopter
27. The Display Team - Theme From The Display Team
28. Overthrow - Talk of the Town
29. Shermer - Interlude
30. From Plan To Progress - Some People Think Long Song Titles Are Pretentious But I Quite Like Them
31. 32framespersecond - Yipee-Ki-Yay Motherfucker
32. Clockwork Angst - Seamless
33. Kill The Arcade - We Have Something In Common
34. Wasted Daze - The Ghost of You
35. The Upgrades - All My Best Friends Are Emo Heads
36. Pregnant Dad - Mugged By Five Year Olds
37. Broadways Not Ready - If This Was A Film Of Our Lives, This Is Where It Would Cut To Us Having Sex
38. Gavin Osborn - Scrabble
39. Forever Ends Today - I'll Take The Car And Raise you My Middle Finger
40. Zatopeks - 7:47
41. The Southern Cradle - Lost At Sea
42. Red; The Resistance - Governmental
43. Scream Shout Say Nothing - I'm a Lover, Not a Fighter (But I'm Excellent at Both)
44. Cannon Fodder - FAD
45. Despondent - No Room
46. Juice Head! - 31 Second Song
47. Mybe - Down and Out
48. Jack's Wasted Life - Smile
49. Name In Brackets - Paul Daniels
50. Arse Full of Chips (feat Itch from The King Blues) - Macho Man PaulSavage
51. Rig Up Explosive - Smack The Clam
52. The Quarry - Sirensong
53. 5FD - Hypocrite
54. Heroic Doses - When I Say Go You Jump Him
55. Make It Better Later - Fil Once Ate A Whole Family Meal At Burger King By Himself
56. Lost On Campus - Fuori
57. Fantastic Castle - A34
58. Page Not Found - Proxy
59. The Steal - Up In Smoke
60. Stash Pocket - Kane Vs The Undertaker
61. The Apostates - Off My Life (AKA "I'm A Lion")
62. Unicorn Choice?! - For Spring
63. Portman - From Here To Your Eyes And Ears
64. 7 Day Conspiracy - Blood On Your Hands
65. Berrick - Lloyd
66. Detox - Hell and Back in 30 Seconds
67. The Ruined - I Loved You But Now You're Food
68. Lights Alive - Don't Back Dow
69. Hidesincaves - Fridge?
70. Hudson - Overdose
71. Out From Animals - Spoilers
72. Russell and the Wolf Choir - Untitled #4 (Take #3)
73. Sombulance - Gauze
74. Strange Day - A Punk Song
75. The Candidates - 24
76. Ben KP Smith - Maidstone
77. Robolint - In the event of an emergency
78. Taking Chase - Have A Good Time All The Time
79. Toxic Waste Monkeys - Average Joe
80. The Meenies - All I Want For Christmas is a Stephen Hawking voice box
81. Half Dead Bodies - Tidaress
82. Mr Kamikaze and the Management - 39th
83. The Grizzley Ends - Knife Fight
84. Swound! - Knock Knock
85. Revenge of the Psychotronic Man - Vuz Lightyear
86. Punch Puppet - Traitor
87. Keyside Strike - Lies
88. choDe - My French Exchange
89. The Ill Boddies - How Much Would You Pay To Be Bill Oddie For A Day?
90. W.O.R.M - Dave Does Drugs
91. Smilex - Small Packages
92. Duty Free - Trust You
93. Immoral - Critics
94. aflightoremember - Bones
95. Cheap Regrets - Don't Hold Me To It
96. Bastion - Phthiriasis
97. Dad's Bad News - Second Guess
98. The Cunts - (I'm Gonna Give You) A Shoeing
99. And Now We're Even - To All The D.I.Y. Bands
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Posted by
Андрій Бурхович
melodic hardcore,
skate punk,

The Youth Ahead [pop punk, USA]

Не мог остаться в стороне и не поучаствовать в заливке :)

1. One Hit Song
2. FYM
3. I Want Your Girlfriend
4. New Boyfriend
5. Beautiful Day
6. Stuck up High School Girls
7. Biggest Mistake
8. I'm F **K Up
9. Area 69
10. Next Sunday
11. Ode to the Dollar
12. Better Than Me
13. Soap Slut
14. On My Own
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The Youth Ahead

The Youth Ahead began in 1995 as a way to pass the time as teenagers in the 90s. Eventually, the band built itself into one of the most popular bands in the tri-state area. Through the years they played with a number of national acts such as Good Charlotte, Yellowcard, Taking Back Sunday, Mest, and Relient K, just to name a few... During that time they also landed spots on mainstage at Skate and Surf in Asbury Park in 2002 and 2004, and on Warped Tour in 2000 and 2001. IN OCTOBER OF 2005, after a decade of adherence, the band decided to part ways in order for everyone to pursue other interests.
Группа родом из Нью-Джерси, играет потрясающий поп-панк конца 90х начала 2000х годов (моя любимая эпоха поп-панка)

The Youth Ahead - 2003 - The New Album

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
We Once Loved [melodic hardcore, pop / Germany]

1. Best Of You (lyrics)
2. Access Granted (lyrics)
3.Don't Lose Hope (lyrics)
4.Count Me Out (lyrics)
5.Line Of Society (lyrics)
Sunday, October 12, 2008

In July of '02, the second album called "The Bare Truth About Philmore" was released. It was much more “mellow” than the first. Apparently many ppl expected it to be equally as hard as the first, but were a bit disappointed. Also it seems there was nothing particularly Christian about the second record unlike the first, and most of the stricter “Christian music only” fans stopped listening at that point. For a couple years after, touring continued but fame faded.
A third CD was released in April of '05 called "Demolition", after drummer Brett had left the band to be replaced by Sean Donnelly in '03... Sean left the band in August of 2005.
Philmore - Philmore [2000]

2.Smile At Me
3.Our Finest Hour
4.Livin' On A Prayer
5.Never Let You Go
6.If You Only Knew
7.In My Boat
9.Wish You Were Here
11.Worth the Wait
12.As I Lift My Hands
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Black Tie Bombers [fast punk rock, USA]

A.) Love them much much more
B.) Hate them
C.) Love them, as long as you stay away from the front row during a live performance, and close your eyes and ears between songs.
This is all pending your personal sense of humor.
Influences: NOFX, Lagwagon, Screeching Weasel, AFI

1 State Of The Union
2 65
3 Friendly Fire
4 Rad Letter Day
5 Hello Becki
6 Glendora
7 Centessimus Annus #46
8 Earthbound (on The Way To Twoson)
9 Code Orange
10 Black And Blue
11 Standing Strong
12 Attn: Everyone Else
13 Questions And Concerns
14 Castles By The Sea
15 Puzzle
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Round Three Fight [pop punk, USA]

Что же можно сказать о Round Three Fight? - Очень даже прилично как для середины 00-х. Драйвовенький и цепляющий поп-панк - можно и репой потрясти, и подпеть при случае. У меня есть определенные претензии к вокалу, уж слишком высокий, как для меня, но в данном случае это простимо.
У них есть еще пара альбомов, так что если кто-нибудь может помочь - не стесняйтесь.

1 Anything For Everything
2 Last Place Motivation
3 Here the Whole Time
4 Close Calls, Missed Chances
5 Rhyme Or Reason
6 First Sight
7 From California
8 Pessimist
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Barbie Killed Ken [pop punk, female vocals, Netherlands]

Никакой особой информации по команде я не нашел. Знаю, что кроме трех подруг в группе есть еще гитарист по имени Дэвид (пацанчик наверное). Группа родом из Голландии и еще у них просто замечательное название. По музыке это весьма неплохой поп-панк с женским вокалом в духе таких ансамблей как Tilt, Dollyrots и тд.
Barbie Killed Ken - Choad Rage
(лень строчить треклист)
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My Hotel Year [emo, pop punk, USA]

Ребята из Флориды. Но не стоит так уж пристально смотреть на вокалиста, ничего общего с "бородатым" панк роком они не имеют. А борода у него... ну не знаю, для красоты что-ли. Суть не в этом. My Hotel Year играли поп-панк в духе начала 00-х, эмоциональненько так, душевненько, ну вы понимаете. Я бы поставил их где-то посередине между Midtown, например, и Taking Back Sunday.
Группа распалась в 2004 году, записав перед этим 2 лонгплея. Половина песен с последнего из них вышла на ипишке, которую вы сейчас и можете скачать:

01. Strongest Man Alive
02. Everyday
03. Heaven
04. Not Bad (For Ninja)
05. Tutuca
06. Breathing Patterns
07. 17 Seconds
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