Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Cootees [pop punk, USA, MxPx members]

The Cootees are made up of members of MxPx and 90 Pound Wuss. In this band Tom takes over on the drums, and he is awesome!!! These guys got together to sing about light hearted issues, and their music is really fun! Their style is pop punk, and even have some ska mixed in there like on the track Jocks Don't Like Us. They have done a few shows, and although not officially broken up, they have no plans to tour or release any more material any time soon since they are all so busy with their other bands.

Я всегда поражался творческой плодовитости ребят из MxPx. За период существования своей группы они записали столько материала, что хватило бы на 3-4 команды. Но им этого мало, поэтому и участвуют в разнообразных сайд проектах. The Cootees - первый из них. Собственно говоря, если вам нравятся эмэкспиэкс, то и The Cootees тоже прийдутся по душе. Всё тот же поп панк, песни о любви и вокал Майка Хэррэры.
Cootees - 1997 - Let's Play House
1. (Blank)
2. Shut Up
3. Mike's Waiting
4. Roses Are Red
5. School Girl Fantasy
6. D.D.F.
7. No Cure 4 the Cootees
8. What You Hate
9. Dirty Punk
10. Lisa's Clean
11. Coke Song
12. I'm OK, You're OK
13. Jocks Don't Like Us
14. I Want the World
15. Deadbeat
16. Beach Party
17. Now the Beach Sucks
18. They Don't Know

download from SpUnKfolder
download from mediafire

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