The story goes something like this.....Me and Dan Pence had been trying to start a band for some time, this was around 2000-2001. I had been touring with bigwig for a few years and dan's old band, Joystick had been broken up for about 2 years at this point. In between my tours, we would get together and play with various different people. For some reason, nothing ever worked and we never had a name, nor did we play shows. Basically, we sucked....always. Sometime during all of this, Dan called me up and told me he had run into Arthur, and old friend of ours from the band Elmers I.Q. Dan's old band used to play with them alot at the New Providence american legion hall. Arthur and his friend Tice were looking to start a band too, but they needed another guitarist and a drummer.....it seemed perfect. Not long after, we began playing, and immediatly wrote 4 songs : Broken Glass, Sweeter, After Image and some other song that never got recorded and sucked. We played our first show in july of 2001, we didnt even have a name yet. We also played some garage and basement shows in that time to....again, nameless. In about august of 2001, after being a band for about 2 months, we went into portrait studios and recorded those 3 songs i just listed. We still didnt have a name. After throwing around ideas, all of which sucked, I threw out the name Jettison, which was actually Matt from Bigwis's Idea that i stole. That name sucked too, but it was the only name we could all agree wasnt that bad. We played our first show as Jettison sometime in september of 2001 in peapack NJ. Soon after that, Arthur left the band and we were in desperate need of a singer so we asked our friend Steve, from the band LWL if he play with us. He wasnt interested in joining a band full time but said he would help us out and fill in. Well one thing led to another, steve started writing songs, and he decided to stay and be a permanant member. Soon after that, we went back into portrait to record "gone" and "fuck your yankee blue jeans"(a 30 second song that was supposed to be on some compilation that never came out). Those were the first recordings with steve and of songs that he wrote. Sometime in 2002 Tice left the band and as luck would have it, I ran into Dave at a party, he said he could play bass, and the rest was history. It was right around this time that we did our first little weekend tour...we played a couple of shows with Little League and The June Spirit. Soon after that, Dan left, and we got Kevin. We recorded an E.P. that we funded ourselves, I went on 2 weeks of warped tour with Bigwig, gave the cd to Jeremy from jumpstart, he liked it, we put it out with him. The day the EP came out, we left for a 2 week eastern canadian tour with Bigwig, those were the biggest shows we've ever played. Dave couldnt do the tour due to work so our friend Adam from the band The Overdrives filled in on bass. In about March of 2004, I left the band. Pat Joined and in June, they broke up. fast forward 2 years later.....we played 2 reunion shows and recorded 7 songs that we were planning on releasing but for whatever reason never happened...........maybe one day it will. It happened. Hope you didn't miss it.

Многие наверное знают о том, насколько сильная поп-панк сцена в Нью Джерси. Если не знаете, то поверьте на слово - сильная. Куча команд, некоторые известные, некоторые нет. некоторые распадаются, некоторые играют годами. На место распавшихся приходят другие и цикл продолжается, продолжается... надеюсь, на мой век хватит.
Jettison родом именно из Нью Джерси. Это конечно же обязывает их ко многому, ну а они, собственно, все ожидания оправдывают сполна. Отличнейший поп-панк с цепляющими мелодиями, иногда неплохими скоростями, душевным вокалом и очень приятной атмосферой. Если уж о вокале зашла речь, то тут можно провести параллели с Джоном Фельдманом из Goldfinger, характерную хрипотцу сложно не заметить. Что же до самой группы, то в ней засветились ребята из довольно известных (в определенных кругах) команд, таких как Bigwig, Joystick, LWL и др. Записали парочку ипишек: одну в начале своей карьеры, другую во время одного из реюнионов в 2007 году.
Jettison - 2002 - Wish You Were Her1 Chasing Amy
2 Surprise...your Head Fell Off
3 Goodbye, So Long
4 From Doorbells To Phone Calls
5 I'll Never Miss You Again
Download from SpUnKfolderDownload from Mediafirehttp://www.myspace.com/Jettison